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Where we are

The Hotel Doriana standing rigt on the beach in a sunny position near the historic center.

Use the map below to see the location of the Hotel:

Look inside our hotel directly from Google Maps:

How to arrive to Caorle

By aeroplane, landing at Venice airport "Marco Polo" or Treviso airport and then taking the bus to Caorle
From near towns with the bus ATVO

By train, railway Venice-Trieste, getting off at Portogruaro stop, which is connected with the bus to Caorle.

By car, driving along A4 motorway till S.Stino di Livenza. From S. Stino di Livenza to Caorle there are about 20 Km

Calculate how to reach the Hotel Doriana by your car

Please enter your starting address: (e. Via Milano, 27, Milan).
You can calculate and automatically print the detailed route with all the directions to the Hotel Doriana Caorle (VE).

If you use a navigation system directly enter GPS coordinates to reach us,

N : 45.606934
E : 12.894186


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Weather Caorle

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cielo poco nuvoloso
Temp. 9° C

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